WHOIS Domain Database

Find more about a domain.

ICANN is the authorising body for Registrars. WHOIS information is made available on the global registered domain name database.

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Domain Privacy

Protect your personal information in WHOIS.

WHOIS doesn’t expose all your secrets to the world. We value your privacy hence the ‘add privacy protection’ feature in this section. Once you activate it, you can rest easy knowing that your secret is safe with us. 

whois domain checker robot

About Pillarian WHOIS .co.za

What we can do for you.

This section opens up a whole database of information to you, the client. It provides basic information on domain registration, availability, domain owner, administrator and contact.

.co.za WHOIS frequently asked questions.

What is the WHOIS database?

What is called the WHOIS domain database is actually a listing of every registered domain on Pillarian. This database is used for various purposes including legal reasons which is used to checkmate trademark infringements as well as keep clients accountable. It is also used to identify and fix any problem that may come up with existing domains on the network including checkmating phishing scams, spam and fraud.

This section opens up a whole database of information to you, the client. It provides basic information on domain registration, availability, domain owner, administrator and contact. 

How can I use the WHOIS Lookup Tool?

Using the Pillarian WHOIS lookup tool is easy. You can simply enter the domain name whose information you’d like to view into the search field on the WHOIS main page. You can retrieve key data about a domain in this way, including availability, domain owner lookup, and creation and expiration details. If you own multiple domains of your own, it can be helpful to download exportable lists from the tool in order to analyse large amounts of domains data.

How accurate is WHOIS data?

WHOIS data is very accurate. Pillarian provides opportunities for domain owners to update their information regularly according to ICANN rules which discourages domain owners from providing false information.

How do I update my WHOIS information?

Updating your WHOIS contact information only takes a few simple steps which allow you to update your contacts one at a time or all at once.

What about my privacy?

While ICANN’s agreements protect registrants from potential spam, many Pillarian customers still express concern about their personal name, address, and phone number being so readily available online. For website owners who would prefer to keep such information private, Pillarian offers Domain Privacy protection, so that when people do a simple WHOIS check on your domain, we replace your personal information with proxy information. When we do this, your domain name is still yours, but now people won’t be able to discover your personal information through a simple WHOIS lookup.

Furthermore, if you’re a web developer, you have an important obligation to your clients to offer them a complete sense of privacy and protection, no matter the scope of your project.

Who’s in charge of the WHOIS database?

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is in charge of all things related to a WHOIS lookup. The organisation launched in 1998 because the internet had grown to a point where a formal organisation was necessary to handle all the maintenance and procedures involved with keeping the world online.

As of 2016, ICANN operates the WHOIS check free of oversight by any country and today exists as nonprofit corporation based in Los Angeles. ICANN is managed by a 16-member board with representation from all over the world. ICANN also receives input from numerous internet-related organisations, such as communications providers.